FSB Premier "All-Star" Jordan Alborn: His Two Favorite Little Caddies
InsightsThe bright, warm sun, a lush green golf course, and his two favorite little caddies cheering him along. Those excited smiles on their energetic faces tell the real story. This heart-warming scene describes one of Jordan Alborn's favorite ways to spend a Saturday.
You all know Jordan as an ALL-STAR financial adviser and a Vice-President here at FSB. Outside of work, he has a life filled with family, fun, and physical activity. In fact, Jordan loves spending time exploring the great outdoors with his wife Sarah and their two beautiful children, August and Margaret. You will sometimes find them riding their bikes on Waverly's popular Rail Trail. It's a hot spot for local runners and bikers, and a fantastic way to experience picturesque nature scenery, get some endorphins, or to simply unwind. He's also an avid golfer, and has the skills out on the green to prove it. Next time you have an opportunity, ask him about his hole in one.
Jordan and his wife Sarah own and operate a gym in Waverly. They offer a great variety of workout classes, for all ages and abilities. It really is a solid business they have crafted, as they continue to invest into this community that they have built strong roots in.
To fuel all that fun, they need nutritious, delicious food. Jordan recently put in a garden filled with a wide variety of tasty treats such as sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. Maybe he'll bring some of that in for us all to try? Hint, hint :)
Adventure is out there, and Jordan and his family intends to find it. The experiences and memories they are making along the way are truly priceless. Take care and we'll see you soon!
FSB Premier
Written by: Crystal Weber
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