Slowing Down to See the Positives
InsightsTiffany Coffin, CFP®
Today looks a lot different than it did a month ago. Many of us have taken on different roles, are working from home, and our routines are all but gone. Right now a lot of things are out of our control. For me, that’s being a full-time mom to a 4-year-old, 2-year-old, and 4-month-old while also working full-time. It’s been a challenge, but also a blessing. When things are out of our control, most of how we handle it is up to us. We can dwell on the negativity or we can find the positive.
I’ve enjoyed being forced to slow down. I see more families going for a walk and enjoying the outdoors (at a safe distance) and I too have started working out again. Jett learned how to swing on his own, Ivy is getting good at hitting a baseball, and Remi can often be found scooting around the kitchen in her walker. My husband Mitchell and I have started to play cards most nights, something we hadn’t done since having kids. Although it is getting a little boring winning all the time, haha! At supper we each say what we most enjoyed about our day, and it’s something I look forward to every night.
Just as the current environment is out of our control, so too is the market. We can find things we can control, like revisiting the “Am I on Track?” conversation, looking at our budget, making Roth conversions while the market is low, or investing money we don’t plan to use in the next 12-24 months. These are all things we are here to help with. It may even be that you just want to hear that you’re doing fine and your investment plan will still meet your needs. I’ve had many of these conversations of over the last few weeks and have enjoyed hearing what you are doing to occupy your time. Please know we are keeping a close eye on all of your accounts and making sure they will meet your needs.
I hope you're finding the silver lining and enjoying the slower pace life is giving us. Reach out to a friend - a simple phone call can mean the world.
We can’t wait until we are able to see all of you again in person. Until then, please continue to reach out - we love hearing from you!
Tiffany Coffin
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