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Slowing Down to See the Positives

Today looks a lot different than it did a month ago. Many of us have taken on different roles, are working from home, and our routines are all but gone. When things are out of our control, most of how we handle it is up to us. We can dwell on the negativity or we can find the positive.

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Adjusting to Life in the Coronavirus World

One month ago, my wife and I stood atop Camelback Mountain in Phoenix after a rigorous, but enjoyable climb to the summit. The temperature was around 60 degrees, but the bright Arizona sun made it feel much warmer. I don’t remember seeing anyone wearing masks, let alone practicing social distancing.

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We're In This Together

These are the times in life we all pull together, now more than ever. Yes, we need to remain socially distanced, but we will continue to thrive as the strong team unit that we have always been.

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Keeping Calm Through Market Declines and COVID-19

Yes, these are truly unprecedented times, but you are not alone. We care about you. For our team at FSB Premier, the welfare of our communities and our customers is our top priority. With this in mind, we have been closely monitoring the rapidly-changing situation around COVID-19, responding to new information as it arises and preparing for all possible scenarios, with the goal of continuing to safely serve you.
